Life amidst cold

To my utter delight, there are little green shoots of something coming up in the cold frame.

Rather late last fall I scattered seed of various hardy early season plants such as mache, spinach, and, I think, mesclun mix. My plan being that when the light gets strong enough and the temperatures start to moderate that they'll germinate and start growing when it feels right.

After a couple of months of total darkness from snow cover I shoveled off the cold frame sometime last month and have been trying to keep it clear since.

A week or two ago I opened it up to see what there was to see, and lo and behold, there are little shoots coming up. I won't know for a while what's they are; for all I know it may be some hardy weed, but I suspect it's something we are going to be happy to eat. If we get some early season greens I'll be more then happy.

There is something magical A.) about the fact that seeds sense when it is time to commence their journey towards the sun, and B.) that with the use of a cold frame you can make this bit of magic happen when it would otherwise be impossible, and lastly C.) that the thing that grew from the seed usually gives you a ton more seeds to repeat the process.

I might be tempted to think that growing would start to become routine after doing it for a bunch of years, but there is something that is always exciting about the advent of new life humbly but determinedly reaching towards light.


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