Two Wheels along Vineyard Sound

I keep tabs on a number of blogs in which the topic, when distilled to it's essence, is about the joy of riding a bike, and today that's what this blog is about. It is with some regret that my bike has gathered more dust this year then at any time in the last ten years, so the opportunity to ride around for a while is reason enough for me to make mention of it. Building a house is an all consuming project, and time on my bike has fallen by the wayside.

It is our great fortune to spend many holidays and vacations here on Cape Cod at Nancy's family's place and this is often when I take advantage of the warm temperatures and flat terrain for some cycling adventures. Yesterday I noodled around Woods Hole and Falmouth as the sun was starting to set.

It felt great.


Unknown said…
i've found that my bike riding frequency occurs in fits and starts. the good thing is once your're riding again all the missed time is long forgotten :)


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