Lilacs and Snow

Nancy saying hi to our neighbor's horses. They were pretty much indifferent.

Snow-like petals drifting down on us as we climbed the Roxbury Mountain Road

View of snow on the ridge of the Greens across the valley

A small patch of snow left from two nights ago at the crest of the Roxbury Gap

Entering the Devil's Washbowl

Enjoying the route

Lilacs in full splendor

Making our way down to Moretown Common en route to Red Hen

Today we took advantage of the great clear cool weather and went for a ride. Our route was down Waitsfield Common to the East Warren Store and then up and over the Roxbury Gap. We had just come through two days of unusually bad weather that included snow at the higher elevations. I was hopeful we might see some up close and i was not disappointed. The Roxbury Gap is not supper long, but you have to work to get to the top. The reward is a great view back across the Mad River Valley.

We flew down the Roxbury side of the mountain and then headed north on the back roads that wind their way north. This area is lovely and a distinct contrast to the feel of the towns just over the mountain; there is a rugged pioneer vibe that is accentuated by the sensation of remoteness.

The last stretch of road we travelled before meeting the Moretown Mountain Road is called the Devil's Washbowl. It is an amazing road. It is not easily passable for vehicles, it is closely hemmed in by dense forests, and it features beautiful twists and turns that enhance its mystery. I'd love to know the history of this road and where it got its name.

The rest of our trip was enjoyable as we rode back into the Valley over the Moretown Gap and made our way to the Red Hen Bakery, after a short visit to see my sister's family's house project just getting under way.


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